End This Year on a High!

A new year always provides a sense of renewal and an opportunity to bring out not only the best in yourself but, perhaps more importantly, your music system! Whether you have already purchased from Small Green Computer or have been considering an upgrade, we thank you for being part of our community. 

As a sign of our appreciation, we are offering the following deals to help you ring in 2023! 


1. FREE SHIPPING on your order with code NY2023! Minimum purchase of $399. All US orders will ship via UPS Ground and international orders via DHL. 

2. FREE YEAR OF ROON with purchase of the Signature Rendu SE Tier II, the finest USB streaming source offered by Sonore. ($180 value with new 2023 prices)

3. The Fiber Isolation with Streamer Bundle - If you’re ready to add optical isolation to your system but still enjoy a more traditional streaming experience, get the best of both worlds! The award-winning ultraRendu is coupled with the opticalModule Deluxe to give audiophiles a musical and optically-isolated listening experience. All for the amazing price of $1729, saving you $246. 

4. Buy a sonicTransporter i5 music server, get a free external CD ripper. You’ll enjoy this stable and maintenance-free music server, which comes pre-installed with a Roon Core. Just choose the sonicTransporter i5 with CD Ripper and the savings will be applied automatically.  ($184 value)


These offers are valid NOW and will expire at 11:59 p.m. EDT on Monday, January 2. 

Happy Shopping…
